Health and Wellness

Drink More Water To Slow Down Aging And Prevent Chronic Diseases

In recent research supported by the Division of Intramural Research at NHLBI, it has been revealed that when you need to drink more water to slow down aging and prevent chronic diseases.

Why you should drink more water?

Well, one may say “ I already know that .” Which is perfectly fine. However, as human beings, we always have a number of good ideas and information that we don’t put into use.

Surprisingly, the authors of the research speak of another research that they came across. This research indicates that “ half of the people worldwide don’t meet recommendations for daily total water intake, which often starts at 6 Cups ( 1.5 liters).

half of the people worldwide don’t meet recommendations for daily total water intake, which often starts at 6 Cups ( 1.5 liters).

Quick question. Reflect on your own personal lifestyle. Do you usually drink at least 6 Cups of water a day? Or are you one of the types that drink juice and end up with only one cup of water a day?

More water, More Health

With data gathered from over 11,000 adult participants over a 30 -year period, the research reveals a very disastrous result when fluid ( water ) intake goes down.

The disastrous results are the fact that one will develop chronic conditions. Signs of advanced biological aging will also be part of these saddening results.

“ The results suggest that proper hydration may slow down aging and prolong a disease-free life, “ says Natalia Dmitrieva, Ph.D., a study author, and researcher in the laboratory of Cardiovascular Regenerative Medicine.

As if not enough, a well-hydrated body – that is a person who usually drinks water helps to fight off illnesses such as constipation, kidney stones, and hypertension among others.

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In conclusion, proper water intake can deter a number of Chronic diseases such as heart failure, obesity, blood pressure, and blood sugar, and also slow down the process of aging. So at Brayz Media, we urge you to drink more water for more health.

How much water should I be drinking a day?

Health professionals frequently advise consumers to consume eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. The “88” rule is the name given to this phenomenon.


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