
How To Motivate Yourself

Have you ever got stuck at something you are doing? This at times so annoying. You then have to find ways to motivate yourself. To get back on track so as to continue and finalize what you were doing.

Motivating oneself basically entails providing a reason to do something. Such reasons for doing something can be provided by your peers or role models. However, most of the time you will have to motivate yourself. To convince yourself why you have to leave your bed and go do whatever you have to do.

Different people are motivated by different things. It is these things that explain why you do what you do. Or rather why you have to do something.

To begin with, things such as trophies, money, and social recognition can be the reason why you do something. This is a type of motivation known as extrinsic motivation. The outside factors motivate you in whatever you do.

In addition, doing extra work at the workplace, playing sports, and dancing with friends can be characterized as intrinsic motivation. These activities are based on internal urges and the need to fulfill them…There is no money or any external rewards connected to it.

3 Ways to Motivate Yourself

According to Tchiki Davis, Ph.D., a consultant, Writer, and expert in well-being technology, the following are ways you can motivate yourself:

1. Bond with others. It is no secret that doing something in a group is easier than being done alone. Perhaps this explains the reason why Uganda’s New Competence Based Curriculum encourages the use of group work.

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2. Access your drive to acquire or defend. The fact that you want to acquire something such as a new laptop, or a new sports record, will make you work towards that. Thus acting as a drive. Similarly, the need to defend something such as your reputation, or sports record will motivate you to do whatever it takes.

3. Find something you are good at. When you do something, you are good at, it will definitely not require you to struggle too much with it. Take a look at Footballers, they do what they are good at – playing football. This is their number one motivation before anything else.


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