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Legend Jose Chameleone recieves Museveni Recognition.

Global star Dr Jose Chameleone is Super excited about Museveni’s Recognition on Saturday at the business and investment Symposium at Kololo Independence Grounds.

Museveni Jose Chameleone and Mc Kats

Jose Chameleone was one of the invited guests on Saturday at the business and investment symposium, a Creatives sector to jobs and wealth creation.

“I am so grateful that my service is felt. Some people want it to happen, some wish it could happen while there’s us who go out and make it happen against all odds,” 

He tweeted

Uganda’s Commander in chief, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni was the Chief guest and in his speech he spoke about Chameleone offering service. “He makes us Happy and we give him money” He said.

On that Very day before posting the Video, the Musical Specialist posted a Photo of him with president Museveni while facing each other as if there was serious Council that he was passing on to the Singer.

Museveni with Jose Chameleone

It appears as though the country’s chief had a lot of guidance for the incredible performer as Chameleone incorporated a hashtag “Wisdom”, to some photo he posted on his Twitter handle with a Heading “Abingambye” Luganda word meaning; he has said it all to me.


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